ORKG Problems

Entities in the ORKG can be of type Problem, which means they represent a research problem that papers address or talk about.

Having defined our entry point to the ORKG instance

from orkg import ORKG # import base class from package

orkg = ORKG(host="<host-address-is-here>", creds=('email-address', 'password')) # create the connector to the ORKG

We can access the problems manager directly to do the following:

Get problems by research field ID

You can get a list of problems that are addressed by papers inside a particular research field. You may optionally include problems from subfields as well.

### Fetch problem by research field id
# research_field_id: the id of the research field
# include_subfields: True/False whether to include problems from subfields, default is False (optional)
# page: the page number (optional)
# size: number of items per page (optional)
# sort: key to sort on (optional)
# desc: true/false to sort desc (optional)
orkg.problems.in_research_field('R199', sort='problem.label', desc=True)
>>> (Success)
         "label":"Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes",

If you include problems from subfields, the response is a list of resource objects without the problems and papers keys.

orkg.problems.in_research_field('R132', include_subfields=True, sort='id')
>>> (Success)
      'id': 'R1032',
      'label': 'Structured descriptions of research contributions',
      'classes': ['Problem']
      'id': 'R1033',
      'label': 'Scholarly communications representation',
      'classes': ['Problem']