ORKG Lists

Lists represent an ordered sequence of objects in the ORKG. Lists are always part of a statement in which the subject is the list label, the predicate is “has list element”, and the object is the list of elements. The list itself is a resource with the class type “List” and it may contain resources, classes, predicates, or literals as the elements.

Having defined our entry point to the ORKG instance

from orkg import ORKG # import base class from package

orkg = ORKG(host="<host-address-is-here>", creds=('email-address', 'password')) # create the connector to the ORKG

We can access the lists manager directly to do the following:

Get lists by ID

Returns the label, element IDs, and metadata of a list.


  • list_id : the id of the list to lookup (required)

### Fetch list by id
>>> (Success)
{   'id': 'R315000',
    'label': 'authors list',
    'elements': ['R67818', 'R74265'],
    'created_at': '2023-09-08T07:45:39.100683+02:00',
    'created_by': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
    '_class': 'list'

Get list elements

Returns the full representations of the list elements.


  • list_id : the id of the list to lookup (required)

  • page : the page number (optional)

  • size : number of items per page (optional)

  • sort : key to sort on (optional)

  • desc : true/false to sort desc (optional)

### Fetch list elements
orkg.lists.get_elements("R338045", size=2)
>>> (Success)
    {   'id': 'L638050',
        'label': 'John Smith',
        'datatype': 'xsd:string',
        'created_at': '2023-10-26T11:07:03.30482485+02:00',
        'created_by': 'da70017b-ddd8-41c2-9c08-b222719c57d8',
        '_class': 'literal'
    {   'id': 'L638051',
        'label': 'Hong Gildong',
        'datatype': 'xsd:string',
        'created_at': '2023-10-26T11:07:03.314806701+02:00',
        'created_by': 'da70017b-ddd8-41c2-9c08-b222719c57d8',
        '_class': 'literal'

Create a new list

Creates a list with the specified parameters and returns the new list object.


  • label : the label of the list (required)

  • elements : list of IDs for the elements of the list (required)

Note: if you have your credentials entered in the ORKG instance creation all newly added lists will be credited to your user.

### Add a list
orkg.lists.add(label="my list", elements=["R1", "R2"])
>>> (Success)
{   'id': 'R338165',
    'label': 'my list',
    'elements': ['R1', 'R2'],
    'created_at': '2023-11-04T19:00:44.729778758+01:00',
    'created_by': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
    '_class': 'list'

Update an existing list

Updates an existing list by replacing the label and/or the elements with new values. Does not return the updated list object.


  • list_id : the id of the list to update (required)

  • label : the new label of the list (optional)

  • elements : list of IDs for the new elements of the list (optional)

### Update a list
orkg.lists.update(list_id="R338165", label="new label", elements=["R3", "R4"])
>>> (Success)